Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Blog much?

The first sentence of blogging your first blog... way too complicating. A few months ago if anyone called me a blogger, I'd take it as an insult. I didn't want to jump on the blog bandwagon, you could say and I fought it with every being in my body. So why the blog now? I know I'm late in the game but since moving to Kansas in June, I don't know anyone here. Aquaintences yes, coworkers yes, Russ's family yes, but I haven't met anyone to hang out with yet. So my blog is for my friends back in Texas. I don't have much time or patience to sit and chat on the phone and neither do many of my friends back home so this is my way of "keeping in touch". And so it begins.
The beginning of the summer, we moved in, settled as quickly as we could and I started training at LUSH. What's LUSH, well, if you're my friends, I've bought you many things from online. If you have no idea who I am. (And I'm amazed you are reading this) check out www.lush.com But I will talk about LUSH in more detail another day. So where was I? Ah, yes, we got settled, the kids started school in August, Russ has a great job, the cat and dog have settled quickly, and I have decided to blog. Go me....

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